I have at last given myself time to draw a scenery from the Île-de-Ré ‘ tallest lighthouse of its time, l think it is called Phare des baleines .
Both dark and milk have this scenery, but from a different angle on the island.

Other news which l already shared with an online customer: there will be no local heather honey this year from my honey producer Fletcher, due to the heather plants being decimated by the heather beetles on the Radnor hills this year, which have not been controlled by grouses due to them not doing well, it being such wet 6 months,(losing their young) and since the government has made it illegal to burn the heather like our ancestors did to kill the pest and strengthen the plants, it is going to be the end of heather in this particular area near Radnor, as the bracken are taking over.
So, l either make this tablette with normal local honey but the issue is the normal honey will not be very strong tasting in dark chocolate, or l stop and make a Rose and apple bar instead. You are welcome to comment in the comment about what you would prefer, if you have a preference, or not comment if you aren't interested in any of those 2 flavours.
Thank you for being many to have used the 10% voucher sent by email, and for having supported Continuum Conceits and your love of chocolate by ordering.
I am still doing my best to catch up with back stock of the original flavours, as it has been very busy despite the summer and stock is always running out., it is too popular! l am also thinking about selling boxes of chocolate dipped prunes with no filling. They will be cheaper than the stuffed prunes, for being less costly and less work.
The issue is, time!
All the best and blessings to every one of you, your friends and family, without forgetting your own customers if you have a business, and your boss if you are employed!
Continuum Conceits blog articles: all your information about the latest chocolate news, and all other subjects that you didn't want to read or know about.
Rant warning: the following words are not about chocolate. You do not have to read this and if you do, please do it at your own risk.
l am glad to see the globalists have at last decided which pandemic to lock us down with, just before those coming USA presidential elections (again). They have kept testing us to see how we would respond, coming up with new and old names of diseases, including one called "disease X" (for which they had a vaccine ready even though they hadn't identified any pathogen for it), and have decided at last on monkey pox. (so many choices, so little time!) l have had some good advice about the coming monkey pox: find out which pharmaceutical labs are making monkey pox vaccines, invest all your economies there, and claim your investments back in 3 or 4 months time before it is found out to be another con. Pity l spent my spare £200 on some fancy looking foil for my pot-lucks yesterday, l could have made a few bob if l had chosen more wisely where to spend my money. My father always told me to invest (with discernment), l bet he would have invested in vaccine companies if he was alive today, seeing the money they are making. He however told us we should never take vaccinations lightly, and think twice before having aluminium and mercury (among other dodgy compounds like monkey cells) injected in our blood stream. The truth is: l love vaccines. l am on my 23d booster. l have never felt so well in my life. Really. l can't wait for the monkey pox vaccine, the avian flu, the disease X, and all the others l have forgotten the names of but which no doubt they will tell us about when they are available. Oh, and if ever the globalists end up being exposed, we will then be told as their last card that "nasty aliens are invading". (Project "bluebeam", it will be either pretend aliens or a fake god seen in the clouds made up by holographic technology, seen by millions of people all at once who will drop on their knees and start praying) Maybe the real E.T. when they come will bring us some common sense back, we seem to have lost that lately. It is not easy to think straight and have common sense when we are permanently being chased by the "tiger", which is coming from all directions in our newspapers and around us when we see strange camps erecting themselves in curious places, for single men in age of being in the army. Some of you will know who l mean. Now, if my website ever goes down, you will know why: it is because l have writen those sacrilegeous words and many others on my blogs. And if l die, it wasn't suicide. (not that they will care about me, l don't have enough coverage and am not enough of an active writer on current affairs) What an exciting time to be alive. l wish you all well, and that you have plenty of joy in your life, and no regrets when you look back at your life. PPS: l have just watched a video from a French naturopath called Jade Allègre, who advocates clay eating and natural therapies for healing, who has been the victim of 3 poisoning attemps lately. (there are a lot of well-known French naturopaths dying "strangely" recently, they obviously have too much influence) She says that urine therapy is a real thing, if you are stuck somewhere with polluted water, it is safer to drink your urine and you can drink it all, (usually in traditional urine therapy books they recommend to remove the first few drops and the last few drops) and that people who do this end up very healthy and it can also cure terminal diseases. There is a lot about urine therapy which is l find fascinating, and no wonder they have been trying to poison her, as they do not like information to be passed on, which can save lives, without the money-making pharma companies not getting their share of it and their control over the population. . It is worth knowing that urine isnt poisonous, that it is an excellent shield against sun burn, among other things, and that it can save any of us from dehydration. The channel l heard the French naturopath's interview is on Telegram, t.me/eveilConsience , but it is in French. Unfortunately, my homeopath doesn't agree with urine therapy. l asked him during the course once why couldn't we take a drop of someone's urine to make a diluted and potent homeopathic remedy individual to them, and he said that it would be potent indeed but hadn't been proved so we couldn't know what the results on the person's health would be, and that it was likely to be toxic and bring other diseases results and symptoms. l argued that surely, the person's urine contained the vital force information and it knows what needs to change in the person for better health and vitality, being unique for each person who produces the golden fluid, but he was just not interested. l will keep working on him with this idea, maybe l will try some day when l have had enough positive results from the homeopathy l have taken, and be my own guinea pig. This may all be strange reading for you, and l am enjoying sharing it with you, even if you have by now raised your eyebrows up to the ceilling and thought to yourself "Mama mia, she is nuts, what a pity her chocolate is so tasty". l am and have always been open to a lot of fascinating things which happen on this earth, people's customs, and different ways to think. l love it. The latest news for me is to see pictures of giants that are being found in rocks, petrified, as well as giant animals, trees, all over the globe, and miles of tunnels in the middle-East and Europe, under the Earth. Even a tunnel from the Vatican to Jerusalem where the popes have been guarding their gold ingots instead of ending poverty in the world. How exciting. We are the ones who limit ourselves, when we are all part of the Creation, and "we are all a piece of god" as Bruce Lipton says. We are capable of "miracles". We just need to let ourselves free...in the mind. PPPS: for those who like the french singer Jean-Jacques Goldman, there is a very interesting remake of "Encore un matin" by Sarah Jane, renamed "Encore un vac sain" . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufBQSqQ9FHw
"l don't like any of those 2 flavours, rose and apple is so overdone and pollen, honey and apple is cliché and not suitable for vegan diet, l would instead suggest you did a bar with leather beetle and freeze-dried mealworm in 72% dark chocolate, please, as long as they are grown in a nice factory owned by Bill Gates, and not locally foraged bugz." Message from Alison G., Lamperton, Uk.